Exploration Workshops

Dip your toes in the shallow end and discover the type of programming for you.

Our Curriculums

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Web Development

Learn the fundamentals to displaying information on the Web. Through our Web Development Exploration Workshop students will learn how to use HTML and CSS to design a single webpage that directly showcases their programming capabilities.


See Previous Student’s Projects

Why should you sign up for a workshop?


Built for Accessibility

Understanding that all places don’t have access to the same resources our curriculums are built with low-code and no-code in mind. Meaning if the power goes out and all the laptops give up the students will still learn material

Always Free!

Because our goal is to expose as many students as possible to the world of programming. Code on Wheels offers our exploration workshops for free. Always have and always will.

No experience required

Because these workshops act as a stepping stone to an actual class. Materials are built to be understood by anyone and learned by anyone. Any concern about students having to have a background in programming isn’t an issue to worry about.